Tag Archive for: Signal Hill

Stove Top. Photo by Edgar Casterjon.https://unsplash.com/photos/s6BrlKXy7e0

Top Five Kitchen Hoods to Consider for a Kitchen Remodel

Without a kitchen hood, unwanted smells can stay for a period of time and linger throughout any home throughout the day. We can solve that.
Blog Post CoverSatin & Slate Interiors

Influence of nature on interior design

It's no coincidence that when we think of a place to relax it usually somewhere in nature. Weather it's a tropical beach, the mountains, or the woods. Nature has a natural (ha) calming factor. So what does this have to do with interior design?…

Back to school: Classroom Decor

Incorporating a theme into the classroom decor can be a fun and creative way to keep students entertained.
Satin and Slate Interiors

How to Make Any Room Extra Glam

If you've been following us on Instagram (which you definitely should be, @satinandslate) you know that lately we've been inspired by a lot of blush tones, delicate accents and lavish interiors. While everyones definition of glam can be vastly…
brunch recapSatin and Slate Interiors

Christmas Time: Brunch & Learn Recap!

We are so glad to say that we had an amazing time at our very first Brunch & Learn this past Sunday. An intimate group of designers, stylists, musicians and more talked mood boards over muffins and mimosas in the studio. It was an intimate…
seasonalSatin and Slate Interiors

Seasonal Cheer Is Among Us

It's about that seasonal time. The turkey's been eaten and replaced with eggnog instead and we're glad about it! This is the sparkly time of the season where we prepare for loved ones to visit and remember how amazing the cuddling and fire and…
BrunchSatin and Slate Interiors

Brunch & Learn

Brunch & Learn This year has a taken a toll on us all. So we are stoked about our very first BRUNCH & LEARN! A place for everyone to come together to enjoy some muffins, mimosas and mood boards. We want to catch you up on all of the…
renovationSatin and Slate Interiors

Satin & Slate Renovation

If progress happens at the pace in which our designers create, attention to detail is important. Our Satin & Slate renovation has been going amazing. For the past few weeks, it's been nothin' but whislin' while workin' for the crew. Imagine…

Tag Archive for: Signal Hill

Plan with Elevations 3Satin and Slate Interiors